Public speaking is a skill ANYONE can learn



Myth: You need to have years of experience or be a naturally gifted communicator to be a good public speaker.

Take it from me, public speaking is a skill + anyone can become an amazing public speaker with some guidance tips + tricks.

My childhood nickname was Mouse because I was so quiet + shy. I was a kid who would have been kicked out of 4-H Public Speaking for lack of participation (if they weren’t the kindest people ever), then a pre-teen who wanted to get kicked out of school so she wouldn’t have to take the “Unique Speaking Club” program.

I wasn’t born a confident speaker, but as I got older, I found things that I was passionate about + wanted to share with others, so I learned how to speak in front of others.

I was fortunate enough to work with some of the best speakers + presenters throughout my career, who helped me grow my voice.

If I can learn how to speak in front of others, you can too!

If you can pick an intro, an ending + a few points to build the framework of your speech – you can speak in front of other people.

If you can dedicate the time to practice your presentation, you can speak in front of other people.

If you can get dressed, brush your hair, your teeth + look presentable – you can speak in front of a crowd.

If you can talk to your mama, your friends, the baristas at your favourite coffee shop – you can be a public speaker.

Heck, that means you’re already a public speaker! You’re speaking. In public.

But seriously – if you have something of value to share with others, something you can teach them, something that will inspire them or help them do better in any area of their life – you can + should be a public speaker!

I think you’ll really surprise yourself at how much you can grow + how great you can be. Public speaking is a skill – you just might need a little guidance.

And I can certainly help you with that. To learn more, feel free to send me an email at!




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