the steps

  • Acknowledge that fear
  • Remind yourself of who you are
  • Surround yourself with cheerleaders
  • Focus on who you are serving
  • Embrace that spotlight

Do you ever feel those butterflies in your stomach when all eyes are on you?

You’re getting ready to speak up at a meeting or give a presentation or hit the button to go live on social media and you can’t stop shaking?

The fear of being the centre of attention and having all those eyes and ears on you is one of the biggest concerns I hear from people!

And you know what? I used to be terrified of being in the spotlight. You can read that story here! But – overcoming that fear opened up a world of opportunities for me, and it can for you too! 

So, in this week’s post, I’m going to help you embrace the spotlight and overcome fear! Are you ready? Let’s dive in!


step one

Acknowledge that fear. Don’t ignore it or fight it or pretend that it;s not affecting you! It’s completely normal to feel apprehensive about being the centre of attention. Embrace it, but don’t let it hold you back!


Step two

Remind yourself that being the centre of attention doesn’t mean you have to perform or entertain like a circus act. You don’t have to be the loudest or funniest or kookiest speaker ever. Instead, tell yourself that it’s about sharing your unique voice, expertise, and experiences with your audience. You have incredible value to offer, and people are eager to hear what you have to say!


step three

Surround yourself with cheerleaders! Your own personal hype squad! Find a supportive network who believes in you and encourages you. These people can really help build your confidence, overcome fear, offer suggestions, and remind you that you’re not alone. If you don’t have any friends like this in real life – Facebook groups and other social accounts (like our Sassy Speaking Squad – hint, hint) are great places to be!


step four

Put the focus on who you are serving instead of yourself! Tell yourself that you are there to help, support, educate, inform, make someone else’s life better or easier with your message and your work. It’s about you helping them, not about how cool you look in front of the crowd or the camera.


step five

Embrace the spotlight! When you get an opportunity to share your message or your gifts with others – take a deep breath, stand tall, and share your voice with passion and authenticity. You’ll inspire others and shine brighter each and every time you get up there! Remember – you’ll probably still be nervous and that’s more than okay!!


So, let’s stand up, step forward, overcome fear, and embrace your role as a remarkable leader and creator. You’ve got this! 

But if you do want some extra guidance and personalized coaching to make it through – you can always send me an email at info@heykahla.com


– Kahla


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