One of my all-time favourite pieces of advice to pass along to speakers is to “let your sparkle show”!


The thing that makes you, you! When you are happy, at ease, having fun + really, truly being yourself – that’s the sparkle. 

And it’s the single biggest thing to making your speech amazing! It’s how you can easily take your speech from okay to awesome! Seriously!

I’ve worked with + alongside some of the best speakers. They had powerful, clear voices, looked great + didn’t miss a word. They delivered their presentation flawlessly – but without any sort of spark or personality. It was good, but it wasn’t great + the audience wasn’t feeling it + you could tell.

On the other hand, I’ve also worked with people who maybe forgot a couple of words or stuttered a bit or mispronounced something – but they were real. They were themselves, having fun, giving value to their audience. And even though the technical side of their speech wasn’t 100% flawless, their talk was so engaging + their audience was way more into it. 

Honestly, if I had to choose – I’d rather give a speech where I lose my place or stumble but I’m being myself having fun with my audience – than deliver a “perfect” presentation with zero emotion or personality behind it. No matter what your topic is – that’s boring! Nobody wants to see a robot up there on that stage!

So, give up the pressure to be perfect + instead focus on giving your audience something that no one else can give them… you + your sparkle!

How does one do that? How do you take your speech from okay to awesome?

Be yourself: think of how you are when you’re chatting to your mama or your best friend. You’re probably relaxed, breathing normally, smiling, maybe even gesturing with your hands. You’re probably not stiff + uncomfortable, overthinking every word coming out of your mouth, with a painful expression on your face!

Show your personality: even if it’s a more serious talk to a more serious group – tell a personal story or a joke if it feels natural to you!

Believe in what you are saying: be proud of your speech + what you have to share with your audience – you are up there for a reason!

These days people want authenticity, so just remember to be yourself + give them your effort, energy + enthusiasm for whatever topic you’re covering. Smile, make that eye contact + give them your very best!



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