Nagging doubts? Inner mean girl? World class self-sabotage skills?


I get it. There are a ton of people out there questioning their abilities and doubting their potential.

It’s common, but it really does us NO good! When we’re struggling with self-doubt and allow those negative thoughts to control our lives, we are held back from achieving our dreams and goals. Those thoughts can even stop us from starting the thing we want to do altogether! 

So, guess what? We’re going to break free from the self-doubt that’s been holding you back!


Sick and tired of struggling with self-doubt? Ready to unleash your greatness? Good!! Let’s hit the reset button, break the cycle of self-sabotage, reclaim our confidence, and step into our full potential! We’ll do that with some practical tools, mindset shifts, and badass strategies to get you feeling better and on your way to reaching those dreams and goals of yours!


Recognize and challenge negative self-talk

The first thing I would do to start to conquer those crappy thoughts and feelings would be to surround yourself with positivity. That means stopping yourself when you’re talking shit about yourself and thinking something much kinder instead (this gets easier with practice and time). Remind yourself that everyone experiences doubt at times, and that it’s okay to make mistakes or face setbacks. Be gentle with yourself and focus on self-growth. 


Surround yourself with a positive support system

Then, try to surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people who believe in you. That’s family, friends, your online community – their encouragement and belief in your abilities can help quiet the voice of self-doubt. You can even take that one step further and seek support and guidance. Reach out to mentors or coaches who can provide perspective, guidance, and encouragement. (cough, cough – you are ALWAYS worth the investment!)


Develop a growth mindset and continue to take action

Another biggie is to continue to take action despite your doubts. Fear and self-doubt can often stop us from taking action. Make sure you’re taking steps, even if they’re small, towards your goals – even if you’re unsure. Each step forward builds momentum, confidence, and dispels doubt.


celebrate small victories

And while you’re taking those steps and making those moves – celebrate your successes!!  Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Recognize that you are making progress and growing. Be damn proud of yourself!

believe in yourself and your abilities, regardless of what others may think or say

Remember, self-doubt is a natural part of the journey, but it doesn’t have to define you and it certainly shouldn’t stop you. Believe in yourself, take small steps forward, and watch your confidence soar!

PS – Send me a note at if you’re ready to level up and let’s chat about how we can work together!




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