Let me debunk a myth for you: You don’t need a ton of experience or be some super extroverted, charismatic superstar to rock at public speaking. That’s a super common confidence myth, and it’s the worst. Believe me – it’s a skill that anyone can master with a little guidance and some awesome tips and tricks. 


Confession time: I wasn’t always the most confident speaker. Actually, calling me a “speaker” at all would have been a stretch. When I was little, dad called me “Mouse” and mama called me “Ladybug” because I was SUPER shy and quiet.


4-H Public Speaking, the “Unique Speaking Club” program, and countless well-meaning teachers and coaches couldn’t bring me out of my shell. It was cozy in there. I had books and snacks. I didn’t want to talk to anyone


Until I did.

Picture this: I stumbled upon passions that set my soul on fire – things I simply couldn’t keep to myself. So, I took the plunge and learned the art of speaking in front of others. 


At first, it was music. I’ve always loved music, and because I loved it, it was easy for me to talk about it.


So I started interning at a local radio station and eventually hosting the live band nights at the nightclub I worked at on weekends. I couldn’t stop jabbing my jaws about bands I enjoyed, new songs that had just been released, I even used to line up at HMV on New Music Tuesdays to buy CDs.


That’s how I started to unlock my inner speaker and there was no stopping her! She had so much to share and she wasn’t about to keep it to herself.


SO – if I can learn how to speak in front of others, I KNOW you can too! Let me bust this common confidence myth right here and now…

You know what? If you can sit down and plot out an intro, a few key points to shape your speech, and an ending you’ve got the foundation to speak in front of others. 


If you can spare some time to practice your presentation, you’re already on your way to nailing it!


If you can get dressed, brush your teeth and hair, and rock a confident smile, you’re ready to shine in front of any crowd.


But here’s the best part: if you can chat with your mama, your friends, or even the friendly baristas at your go-to coffee spot, congrats! You’re already a public speaker in the making. You’re doing it!!

Seriously, if you have something valuable to share, something that can teach, inspire, or uplift others in any aspect of life, it’s time to embrace your inner public speaker! Trust me, you’ll amaze yourself with the growth and greatness that awaits you.


Public speaking is a skill, and guess what? All you may need is a bit of guidance to unlock your full potential. Promise me that you won’t let this common confidence myth hold you back.


I’ve always got some great tips and tricks up my sleeve to help you level up your public speaking game! To learn more, feel free to send me an email at!


– Kahla



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