I get the feeling that a lot of folks out there subscribe to the idea that you have to be super polished + professional, with a perfect presentation to be a great public speaker.

Well – false alarm, friend! 

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be “super polished” + “super professional” to be an amazing speaker. Expressing your personality, hitting your stride + keeping it real will always be more important.

All you really need is some confidence, a little bit of charisma + the right mindset to dazzle + inspire the crowd. 

Believe it! 

So… how do you know what that sparkle is that makes you, you? How do you discover your unique speaking style?

You actually leave a trail of it (the sparkle that is) wherever you go… I’m just going to open your eyes to it.

TIP 1: Take a look through your text messages.

Go to your phone + scroll through the text convos you’ve had with your favourite people. Are there words or phrases you use repeatedly? Do you have “you-isms” that you throw out there in conversation? Mark those down. (if you’re not a big texter, you can go through your emails, journals, whatever + wherever you write words down)

TIP 2: Poll those people

Now use that phone to send yet another text to the top people in your life, asking them what they think makes you so dang delightful. It can feel cringy to ask “Hey, why am I great?” but often we’re so hard on ourselves that we miss what makes us special. Plus, these are your people, so they probably won’t find it as weird as you do! Here is an actual script I sent to my people, when I was first building my business, + wanted to find out what my strengths were so I could capitalize on them: 

“Hey! One of my homework assignments in this course I’m taking is to ask people in our lives ‘What are the three strongest, best qualities or superpowers I have?’ Would you mind taking a moment and letting me know from the outside looking in, what do you believe are my three best qualities that would help me help other people?”

I asked 10 people + they all responded with lovely, eye-opening answers – so give it a try!


TIP 3: Emulate those you admire

If for any reason, you can’t think of or find anything unique or special about yourself at this point… may I suggest looking at those you admire, + emulating them a bit. Think of three different people (in your life or celebrities) that you think are super cool + then write down the three things that you really like about them. A personality trait… how they dress… how they write or sound. Once you know what you like in others, you can see how you might want to be like that too. Just make sure you don’t copy them or rip them off. Use them as inspiration until you find your own groove!

It’s time to get creative + find that unique style that will make you stand out from the crowd. If you want to discover your unique speaking style, take a step back + look within – what do you like + what do you like about yourself! 

Want to learn more?? I’m hosting a FREE training session on Tuesday, May 9th at 8pm CST + you can sign up for it HERE


It’s called Lose the Stage Fright: 5 ways to feel more confident in front of a crowd + I’ll be covering: the five BIGGEST ways to feel confident while speaking in front of others (that I’ve learned over nearly 20 years of speaking!) – why they are so freeing AND how you can use them to empower yourself in your speaking career!!

Again, you can sign up for this FREE training HERE!



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