It’s common to hear “Who would listen to me?” or “I’m not an expert!” when people want to start a new social media page, or podcast, or YouTube channel.

They have an idea of what they would like to talk about, but they don’t feel “qualified” to actually talk about it.

They think they have to be the number one expert in the world on the topic, or else they have no right to cover it.

And that’s BS! (bulldog snot!)

You don’t have to be the expert of all experts to start talking about something.

You don’t have to have a Master’s.

Or a Doctorate.

Or 100,000 followers.

Or awards.


That’s the awesome thing about public speaking – you can speak about anything you want to. Expertise? Or experience? Doesn’t matter as much as you might think!


What do you know?

What do you enjoy?

What do you have experience with?

What do you have a unique viewpoint on?

The life you’ve lived, the experiences you’ve had, + the lessons you’ve learned are your credentials!

No one else has your story, your exact viewpoint – you earned that! No course or class could give that to you.

You don’t need certain qualifications, + you don’t need permission – you just need to share your story + give value to your audience.

Think of all the amazing self-taught food bloggers out there who have never taken an official cooking class.

Or the talented writers who never sat in an actual creative writing class.

Or visionary artists who never went to art school.

I’m always trying incredible recipes + reading great books + buying beautiful art from people who don’t have traditional schooling. They have talent + passion + that’s all that matters to me!

So, expertise? Or experience?

Show up with your passion + those who like you, will become part of your community… those who don’t like you… well, do you really want to hang around them anyway?

At the end of the day – you aren’t here to prove yourself to others – you’re here to live your life.

And if you’re having fun + you’re not hurting anyone – go out there + have the most fun possible!


*DISCLAIMER: Because it’s 2023 + this is the internet, I feel like I have to state the maybe not so obvious – there are certain areas where you DEFINITELY want to seek out an educated, qualified professional (like when you need medical attention)*




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