We all breathe. It’s pretty simple for most of us to do, not difficult to remember to do, + always important to do.

But perhaps it’s never more important than when we are on the verge of freaking out… when we’re upset, scared, or feeling pressure.

Like the pressure you may feel right before you’re about to give a huge presentation or a speech! That’s when breathing can become the star of the show + step in to save the day long before you step into the spotlight yourself. Breathing is everything!

Deep breathing, belly breathing, intentional breathing… whatever you want to call it, can really make all the difference when it comes to speaking engagements.

Breathing brings more oxygen into your bloodstream, telling your body to relax, so your stress level will start to drop.

Your posture improves – your spine + torso straighten up when you breathe slowly + deeply into your abdomen.

When you breathe deeply, you start to relax + that both lowers your blood pressure + slows your heart rate!

When you’re focusing on the rhythm of your breath, your mind becomes more focused overall.

This can all help you before, during, + after a presentation. It can actually help you in every aspect + area of your life! Breathing is everything!

So, if the thought of speaking in front of others has you starting to shake + sweat uncontrollably – here’s a quick + easy breathing exercise that only takes 2 minutes:

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds
  2. Hold the breath for 4 seconds
  3. Exhale for 4 seconds
  4. Hold for 4 seconds
  5. Repeat

You can really use this breathing exercise anytime you need to pause + regroup, but it’s especially effective right before you speak!

So, give it a shot + let me know what you think in the comments!

PS: please stop the breathing exercise if you feel lightheaded!!




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