This is for YOU if you’ve ever felt like “who the heck am I to do this…” 

If you’re thinking “who wants to listen to me…”

If you’re wondering “am I good enough to do this…”

You might be feeling a bit – or a lot – of imposter syndrome!


The brains over at state that imposter syndrome is: “anxiety or self-doubt that results from persistently undervaluing one’s competence and active role in achieving success, while falsely attributing one’s accomplishments to luck or other external forces.”

So… can you relate? Are you feeling like a fraud? A fake? A big old phony? 

Google further + you’ll find out that a ton of people suffer from imposter syndrome. Especially women. Smart, capable, talented women. From all walks of life + from all industries. 

There’s pretty much an entire club of us. So, you’re in good company.

But this problem isn’t doing any of us any good.

It’s keeping us stuck, struggling to show up for our communities.

Think of all the kickass things you want to do + accomplish… do you want to help other women? Reach financial security? Do you want to book a yearly vacation out of the country? Retire your spouse from their soul-sucking job? 

If you’re holding yourself back because you don’t feel qualified to do what you want to do – you’re gonna miss out on all your dreams.

So – how can we start to deal with imposter syndrome… here are some tips to get you started:

Ask yourself some questions, like: “Are these thoughts even true?” “Why am I feeling this way?”

Write out a list of your past successes, victories, achievements + accomplishments – big or small – get ‘em all down where you can see them!

Get things going: go live, write a blog post, do something that shows you know your stuff – not just for your audience but also to prove it to yourself! Plus, feeling accomplished – like you did a great job on something + you helped someone else with your expertise feels damn good.

And a bonus tip: ignore others for now – stop playing the comparison game! If you have to mute, unfollow or stop scrolling on social – go ahead + do what’s best for you!

These tips have worked for me all throughout my career + I do mean THROUGHOUT my career.

That’s the thing I’ve realized about imposter syndrome… it comes up again + again. There’s always something new I’m trying + always something new I want to learn + I think that imposter syndrome is just a side effect of wanting more.

So, remember, you’re definitely not the only one who feels like this, but there are things you can do to move through it

Save this post for when you feel those ick feelings coming up!




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