“Here’s the thing, babe: perfection is just an illusion – and it’s subjective.”


Let’s talk about something that might be holding you back from reaching your biggest dreams and goals.

Something that’s been coming up a lot lately for my incredible clients, and something that might be tripping you up as well… perfectionism.

Sneaky little monster that it is!

It’s amazing how wanting to do our best work and do work that truly serves and helps others can morph into this mindset that actually works against us. Big time.

Have you ever set such a high standard for yourself and your work, or got so caught up in making everything absolutely perfect that you wound up stuck, unable to take that next step?

Or you keep “researching”, “editing”, “enrolling” in one more class to be really, truly ready… thinking that you have to have everything figured out before you take action… aka spinning your wheels instead of moving forward??

You can spend hours and hours writing a script or caption you think is perfect, post it, and then someone reading it thinks it’s just “okay”. Or you can spend days editing your YouTube video thumbnails and someone else won’t like the colours you used, or the font. 

What we may think is perfect, someone else may think is ho-hum.

So, instead of striving for perfection – I want you to strive for progress.

I’m telling you – progress beats perfection any day!

Plus, when we celebrate our flaws and dare to take imperfect action towards our goals, we get our work out there to the people who need it and want it most – our people!

If you’re ready to kiss perfectionism goodbye and unleash your true potential, read ahead for some practical tips to help you overcome that nagging urge for everything to be “perfect” and stop stopping yourself!


Embrace the Progress Mindset

Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection! Celebrate every small step forward and see mistakes as opportunities for growth. Embrace the journey and enjoy the process of learning and improving. We’re all a work in progress!


Set Realistic Goals

Break down big goals into smaller, achievable tasks. This way, you’re less likely to get overwhelmed and fall into the perfectionism trap. Focus on making consistent progress rather than aiming for flawless results every single time. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!


Practice Self-Compassion

Be good to yourself!! Remember that nobody’s perfect, and that includes you. Treat yourself with the same compassion, kindness, and understanding you’d give to your bestie! Give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them. You’ve got this!


Embrace Imperfection and stop stopping yourself

Let go of unrealistic expectations and allow yourself to be imperfect. Stop stopping yourself!! Embrace the uniqueness and authenticity in yourself and your work. Remember, it’s these imperfections that make you stand out from the crowd and create something truly amazing! And we want to stand out in our crowded markets!!

Whether you’re launching a business, starting a new project, or pursuing a passion project, remember that your progress matters more than perfection. The journey might be uncertain, but it’s in those messy moments that we truly discover our strengths.

Drop a comment below and let me know which tip to stop stopping yourself resonates with you the most. And hey, if you could use an extra boost of confidence and want to work together with me as your coach, send me a note at!

And if you haven’t joined the Sassy Speaking Club, you can do so, below!!




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