One of the most common fears people have around public speaking is “what will they think of me?”

And that’s not surprising – when you are growing something + putting yourself out there, people are going to say something about it. And it might not be compliments + cupcakes.

Maybe the people closest to you, or strangers online, or people from your past may feel the need to start commenting on what you’re doing or critiquing what you’re doing.

You CAN’T let that stop you from getting your message out there! This is when ignoring the naysayers is KEY!

Even if you’ve already received some not-so-nice feedback from someone – don’t you dare let that end things for you!

Everybody has their own opinions + not everyone is going to like what others do or choose to speak about. And that’s fine. We all make our own conclusions about what we like + what we don’t like + unfortunately some need to let the whole world know what they don’t like.

But even when someone is being the biggest jerk you’ve ever come across – don’t be afraid to keep doing what you’re doing!

Don’t be afraid to put your message out there!

If you want to make an impact, make people’s lives better or easier, change the world around you – you can’t be too worried about putting yourself out there. You have to be there for your community + believe that they’ll be there for you + those that don’t like what you have to say will eventually get tired + move on. You have to become a pro at ignoring the naysayers!

I know it’s easier said than done, but truly, you can’t be afraid to speak up, to grow, to learn, to fail, to mess up, to look silly. 

You have to keep moving forward even if you are the most scared you’ve ever been.

I’ve been there + I promise you – if you keep at it – you will get better every day. You’ll improve every day.  

So, promise me, you won’t let anybody stop you + you won’t let anybody silence you.

You can go where you want to go + achieve what you want to achieve.

I believe that, because I see it happen every day.

Remember: “Life isn’t about who you once were. It’s about who you are now, + who you have the potential to be.”




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