I am a BIG fan of rituals, good luck charms, a little magic… anything that makes you feel empowered + confident! Crystals can be extremely helpful + powerful when it comes to giving you a boost of confidence, especially if you have an upcoming presentation or event that you are feeling a bit nervous about.

Something so tiny can really make you feel larger than life!

I usually have some assortment of crystals at the bottom of my bag, in my car, scattered around my desk… but when it comes time to perform… I intentionally select the ones I feel I need at that point in time.

Here are a few of my fave crystals for confidence, that always work for me:


Pretty, purple + powerful. This stone is great for calming your nerves – which is one of the biggest challenges people face when speaking! It’s super soothing, can help you control your emotions + you can find them almost anywhere – they’re very popular!


One of my all-time favourite stones for ANYTHING! This one is all about attracting positive energy to you, it helps manage anxiety + can balance your emotions. I have two gorgeous citrines – one from my bestie + one from my brother (which I feel makes them extra special + powerful).

pink quartz

Another common, popular one – but don’t pass it up! A lot of people use it to attract love + when we’re about to present or perform – we’re giving a piece of ourselves to our audience – so we better love that piece! I almost always have a rose quartz with me to bring more self-love, self-esteem & self-confidence into my life. Usually, I keep these in my pocket (or bra, depending on the outfit) when I’m on stage, or around me on my desk if I’m giving a virtual presentation. And if I’m really feeling like I need the boost – I hold one in my hand.

As for where I get my crystals… most have come from loved ones when they travel, here in Winnipeg at a shop on Henderson Highway called Elemental Witchery & Conjure Boutique Inc. + the cutest shop in Regina (Saskatchewan) called Aware House Books!

Let me know in the comments if you have any ‘good luck’ tokens (crystals for confidence or otherwise) that you like to use!



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