We are all brilliant. Talented. Capable. Every single one of us has something to offer the world… but the fear of judgement can hold us back. 

Most of us have been there – feeling unsure about how we will look and sound, and worried what other people will think of us. Questioning if we can even do this. 

And my absolute go-to advice for people when they are caught up in these types of thoughts: BE YOURSELF and embrace your inner sparkle, let it shine through!

This is about giving your audience something they won’t find anywhere else… giving your audience a one-of-a-kind experience… the magic of YOU and your unique sparkle!

Because here’s what I know to be true: we all have the right to shine brightly, and every single one of us can break through those self-imposed barriers and speak up powerfully and make an impact!


The pig spleen that changed everything

Back around 2014, when I was an on-air television host at CTV, I interviewed a man named Jeff Woodward, who was a Pig Spleen Prognosticator (I believe it was a Swedish practice of using a dried pig spleen to predict the weather). He brought this chewy, stretchy looking thing into our studio wrapped up in a towel and as a farm kid, I LOVED it!

I was so into the interview and I found it so freaking neat that I started picking up and stretching that thing with my own two hands – all to see if I could get a read on the forecast. I was a million percent myself at that moment.

That’s exactly what I would have done if I was in my living room with my family and friends, and someone brought over their pig organs. It was me, having fun, being so caught up in one of my interests (the weather), and wanting to do the best job for my viewers as possible (who I always thought of as extended fam).

It was my perfect trifecta: being me, following my interest, and trying to give back to others.

It was magic.

Not only was that a moment I will remember forever, but the calls, emails, and Facebook messages I received after that show blew my mind. It was hands-down the strangest boost of confidence I’ve ever received!

The comments were almost all supportive and positive, one lady said I made her bring up – which I still feel a bit bad about (if I made you sick with this story too – I’m really, very sorry!).

I was left feeling so welcomed by the community, my co-hosts, and mostly – myself. It was such a cool experience to be fully in the moment, being myself, doing what I loved most – that I never wanted it to end. I actually wanted to repeat that every day of my career (not playing with spleens, but living my best) and that was one of my biggest turning points of my whole career.


how the heck do i “be me”?? the real confidence lesson

So, obviously, “be yourself” is the advice here… but how in the heck does one actually do that? What does that even mean? We are always “us”, right? How do we even go about giving our audience a one-of-a-kind experience???

I’d like you to think of how you are when you’re happy, relaxed, and at ease. Imagine you’re sitting down having coffee with your mama or your best friend – how do you feel? Hopefully, you’re pretty chill and in the moment. You speak confidently, because these are the people who love and support you. You’re also breathing normally, smiling, laughing. You are comfortable, not stiff, and obsessing and overthinking everything you’re saying, just waiting for them to leave so you can be done with the whole thing! This is the exact kind of energy I want you to bring to speaking to anyone and everyone else!

Another thing is to showcase your personality. Are you funny? Tell an appropriate joke. Are you a parent to the most adorable toddler,? Tell a story about your family. Trust me – even if it’s a more serious talk to a more serious group – tell a personal story or a joke if it feels natural to you! At the end of the day – everyone in the audience is human – most of us have a story or two in our lives that will connect with yours! The more of yourself you share with others, the easier it will be for them to connect with you!

And lastly – believe in your message. Be so proud of what you are saying, and what you are providing to your audience. Your words will help them or inspire them or entertain them – and you should OWN that! If you don’t truly believe in yourself and your message, how can you expect others to?


keep it real and authentic

It sounds kinda silly to keep reminding ourselves to “be” ourselves, but I’m talking about the real us… so let’s keep it real and authentic in there! Don’t forget to flash those pearly whites (a smile really goes a long way to connect with people and to help yourself feel more at ease) make eye contact (that whole connecting thing again), and give ’em your absolute best! That’s what we’re here for!

So, there it is – the strangest confidence lesson I’ve ever learned! If you have any advice on giving your audience a one-of-a-kind experience drop it in the comments below! Let’s show some love and support for each other on this path towards being our most genuine selves!!



– Kahla


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