I have always believed that the bulk of my confidence comes from two things: consistency + clarity

Basically, if I know what I’m doing, I‘ll feel better about it. And the more I do it, the better I will feel about it. 

Plus I just love alliteration… confidence… consistency… clarity… seriously – if you read my content – you’ll see I’m all about the letter game!

So, when it comes to speaking on stage – I always need some sort of plan. Either my own script or outline, or one from the organizers of the event I am emceeing. I never go in blind – it’s too nerve-wracking + I really don’t think I’m able to give the most value to my audience if I haven’t thought of them + their needs first! So, read ahead for the two things you need to feel more confident…

Consistency is the easier one – get in front of people as much as possible + speak – at work, at meetings for your kiddo’s school, on social media – anywhere! 

Clarity can be just as easy – it just requires more work + planning, but there are really only two things I break it up into:


#1 – I figure out who my audience is + what they want or need to learn

I spend some time asking myself (or the organizers) what they are there for? To be entertained? Inspired? To learn something specific? I ask myself how I can help them the most in my time up on stage.


#2 – I pick out three main points I want to get across that can best support them

I always go with three + make sure they have a short + sweet version + then a longer version. This allows me to tailor my presentation to the crowd while I’m up there. If I can see they are more into point two – I’ll spend more time focusing on that + do a shorter point three – you with me on this? 

It’s like having six puzzle pieces with you at the start + using the best three throughout your speech. It’s flexible, so it allows you to serve your audience in the best way possible. 

Even if you do your research + have a pretty great grasp on what they need, sometimes the energy might surprise you + take you in a different direction + you want to be able to go with that – after all – it’s all about them + the experience they are getting!

So, there it all is – the two things you need to feel more confident!

Give this a try the next time you are working on a speech or presentation – and if you need some ways to start + end your speech – check out my FOOL-PROOF, THREE-PART START TO ANY SPEECH and my FOOL-PROOF, THREE-PART CLOSE TO ANY SPEECH!

And if you need some extra support + want to work together – you can always send me a note at




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