There are a lot of benefits to getting in front of an audience + getting your message out but, have you ever thought about the other side of it? What do you stand to lose by staying silent?

What if you let your fear get the better of you? What if you chose to stay in the audience or behind the screen? What if you played small?

It’s completely natural to be scared of public speaking – it’s a major fear for a lot of people, so you aren’t alone.

But, maybe we can actually get your fear to work for you. Motivate you.

Take out a notebook + pen + start writing down all the things you might lose out on if you stay small + silent.



Here are some ideas to get you started. You could miss out on:

– helping other people (like teaching them something that could save them time or money)

– getting ahead in your career or growing your business (showing your boss + team how to make a process more efficient or bringing in new clients)

– making money (which creates a ripple effect for your family + your community)

– your own personal growth (you will gain new skills + experiences every time you speak)

Who is the only person standing in your way? Who is keeping you off the stage or behind the camera?


You probably have dreams, goals, + desires, + speaking can help bring you opportunities to reach them.

So, think about it. What would you do?

What you would like to say, give, + accomplish? Then tell me, what do you stand to lose by staying silent?




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